Call Ricky:
The Facilitator
I am a qualified psychotherapist and have worked extensively with groups in a variety of situations. I have found it important to include awareness of the body when it comes to any of my talking therapies. With my many years experience it has become evident that physically moving enables the shifting of passed barriers. My belief is to push one's barriers whilst still maintaining one's boundaries. I have danced for over 15 years but in the last three years this has been more focused on moving with attention such as 5 rhythms, by Gabrielle Roth whereby I have supported Tim Bouhgton in the 5 rhythm practice. I have also trained in dance moving psychotherapy, which is integral to my work within a group.
Additionally, I have worked in assisting trainee counsellors to be mindful of the impact of their bodies in their lives and their careers, which is particularly important in the helping profession. Experiencing the benefits of movement themselves enables counsellors and trainee counsellors to get a sense of how their clients can also benefit from movement.
This practice is not about whether or not someone can dance, nor is it about learning special moves, it is about allowing the body to move freely and how it wants to move and recognizing that there is no right or wrong to this practice, it is simply about experiencing the process.
Expressing the Source:
The way in which we express our own Source stream is a very fun part about being a creator. We do this in many ways, one of which is through movement. Movement is a form of creation; all of life has movement. Just as we create with our thoughts, we can create with the way we navigate energy through and out our body. We have chosen into a beautifully bodied species – why not use them as another tool?
Surrendering to movement is a perfect way to participate in this symphony and dance of Life Force. Life Force most often moves in a spiral, but since you are an extension of Source, you have the capability of receiving and expressing it in whichever way it registers through you. This is not only a perfect way to meet Source; it is a therapy for self-expression and release.
I have found “free movement dance” to be the most healing of all movement, but other forms such as exercise and stretching can also suffice. Free movement dance removes blockages like nothing I’ve felt before. It is literally therapy.
When we let Source take us in and move without judgment, we will eventually have moved so much energy through us that we become a renewed channel. We will find that we have bridged the gap between our physical and spiritual body. We will resolve that our bodies are in fact, not cages; they are vehicles and points of sensory that get to FEEL the intense pleasure of the physical and spiritual planes merging. What a sacred marriage!
Like water, move free! In whichever way you please, just get moving. There are no rules. Whether it is alone in your room, or with other kindred spirits. Turn on some inspiring music and let the flow happen to you! Let the flow happen through you!
“Sometimes it’s only in the ecstasy of unrepressed movement that we may enter the stillness of our authentic selves. In such sacred moments, the world seems to be in step. This is why the idea of finding love across the dance floor endure — symbolizing that, when we know the true rhythm of our heart, we know the other.”
― Alexandra Katehakis, Mirror of Intimacy: Daily Reflections on Emotional and Erotic Intelligence